SESHLUXX Best Fall Outerwear. Fall is simply the best season when it comes to fashion. And I think there are two things I personally love the most when it comes to fall fashion. It’s the jackets and the shoes. They transform jeans and a tee (my uniform) to a whole new level. And that’s why I think these are the superheroes of fall fashion. Fall jackets can totally transform and elevate your look. You hear me harp a lot on always having a third piece to make your outfits feel more "put together" and elevated. And a jacket is the third piece. Plus, these pieces help to keep you warm during the fall season with the ever-changing fall weather. This means you may need a few styles of jackets to have on hand to grab to complete your outfits depending on your vibe for the day and what the weather is like when you walk out the door forgetting that the weather has changed that morning. And you may want to keep your fleece jacket North Face in the closet. We are reaching for fashion-forward pieces (even classics like a trench) to make our outfits feel elevated. Even our leggings. Period. Here are my top picks for some of the best fall outerwear to have in your closet this season.
